Course ExpectationsLectures

Weekly Schedule

Deadline for weekly tasks

The deadline for weekly tasks is Friday 1600 i.e.,the lecture slot start time. Work done after that time (e.g., code committed after Friday 1600) will be credited for the following week.

It's OK to make occasional mistakes in weekly tasks (making mistakes is a natural part of learning new things after all). If a weekly task was not accepted as 'done' due to a mistake you made, go ahead and rectify the mistake as soon as you can -- our grading scripts will not penalize such mistakes if they are corrected soon after.

We won't wait forever though. Note that for most interim deliverables, we stop checking about one week after the deadline is over. So, work/corrections done more than one week after the deadline might not get noticed at all by our grading scripts, even as late submissions.

Timing recommendations

  • Start Weekn tasks on Weekn-1 Friday. As the Weekn briefing is done on Weekn-1 Friday (i.e., 2+ days before the week actually starts), you are recommended to start on Weekn tasks on that Friday itself. That way, you have more time to finish them by the Weekn deadline (i.e., Weekn Friday 1600).
  • Before attempting weekly project tasks, go through the weekly topics (and do the weekly programming exercises/activities, if any) as the knowledge from those topics may be needed to complete the project tasks.
  • Try to finish most weekly tasks before attending the tutorial of that week, because some tutorial tasks are done best after weekly tasks have been completed, for the best learning experience.

Course ExpectationsLectures