ExamsGrade Breakdown

Participation Marks

To receive full 5 marks allocated for participation, meet all three criteria A, B, and C.

A Earned more than half of weekly participation points in at least 10 weeks.

  • Ways you can earn weekly participation points:

    • Weekly quiz(es), if any:
      • Quizzes open around the lecture time and stay open until the next lecture starts. In some weeks, there will be two quizzes (because two smaller quiz is easier for you to manage than one big quiz).
      • If multiple attempts are allowed, we take the best attempt, not the latest attempt.
      • When awarding participation points for quizzes, we look for two conditions:
        • Condition 1: submitted early i.e., within four days of the lecture i.e., lecture day (Friday) + four more days -> Tuesday (reason: to encourage learning the weekly topics before doing the weekly tasks)
        • Condition 2: answered correctly i.e., least 70% of the answers are correct (reason: to discourage random answers)
      • You earn:
        • 3 points if both conditions are satisfied.
        • 2 points if only one condition is satisfied.
        • 1 point if submitted but both conditions are unsatisfied.
    • Weekly programming exercise (if any):
      • 3 points if you submitted correct solutions for at least 75% of the exercises
      • 2 points if you submitted correct solutions for 50-74% of the exercises
      • 1 point if you submitted correct solutions for 25-49% of the exercises
    • Other activities related to the course (e.g., submitting a survey) can earn participation points too.
      • Such participation-graded activities can be identified by the icon .
      • Each such activity earns 2 points unless specified otherwise.
      • Refer the activity description for evaluation criteria.
  • If you earn at least half of points on offer in a particular week, you are considered as 'participated' in that week e.g., suppose a particular week has a weekly quiz (worth 3 points) and a peer evaluation submission worth 2 points. You need to earn at least 3 (out of the total 5) points to be considered as 'participated' in that week.

  • To satisfy condition A, you need to participate in at least 10 (out of 13) weeks of the semester. All 13 weeks of the semester has participation activities.

Lecture in week N:

  • In-lecture quiz and other activities are counted for week N lecture participation.
  • Post-lecture quiz (if any) is counted for Week N+1

B Received good peer evaluations

  • -1 for each professional conduct criterion in which you are rated low by team members. 'Rated low' is receiving multiple Below Average or Poor ratings.

  • No penalty for scoring low on competency criteria.

C Sufficient tutorial attendance/participation

  • -1 mark if participated in fewer than 7 tutorials. To consider as 'participated' in a tutorial, you need to show a sufficient level of participation (just attending is not enough).

+ Bonus Marks

In addition, you can receive bonus marks in the following ways. Bonus marks can be used to top up your participation marks but only if your marks from the above falls below 5.

  • [For lecture participation] Participated in lecture activities (e.g., in polls/quizzes done during the lecture) in at least 8 lectures: 1 mark
  • [For perfect peer ratings] Received good ratings for all 10 peer evaluations criteria: 1 mark
  • [For helping classmates] Was very helpful to classmates e.g., multiple helpful posts in forum: 1 mark


  • Alicia earned 1/2, 3/5, 2/5, 5/5, 5/5, 5/5, 5/5, 5/5, 5/5, 5/5, 4/5, 5/5 in the first 12 weeks. As she received at least half of the points in 11 of the weeks, she gets 5 participation marks. Bonus marks are not applicable as she has full marks already.
  • Benjamin managed to get at least half of the participation points in 9 weeks only, which gives him 5-1 = 4 participation marks. But he participated in 10 lectures, and hence get a bonus mark to make it 5/5.
  • Chun Ming met the participation points bar in 8 weeks only, giving him 5-2 = 3 marks. He lost 2 more marks because he received multiple negative ratings for two criteria, giving him 1/5 participation marks.


  • Q: What if I missed a participation task due to a legitimate reason? (e.g., falling sick, taking part in university event)
    A: See the panel below:

Where to find your participation marks progress

Your participation progress can be tracked in this page from week 3 onward.

ExamsGrade Breakdown