Week 8 [Mon, Oct 7th] - Project


  1. Evaluate two peer iPs before Sat 23:59


  1. Start implementing v1.0
  2. Add some JUnit Tests


1 Evaluate two peer iPs before Sat 23:59

This activity is worth 2x2=4 participation points.

  1. The allocation will be sent via email, by Monday 2359.

  2. Download the latest JAR file of the first iP by following the link provided.

    FAQ: What if the student has not uploaded a JAR file, or the JAR file doesn't work at all?
    A: When you submit the evaluation (step 8 below), there will be a way to indicate that the JAR was not available, or any other serious issues you faced.

  3. Locate the User Guide of the app by following the link provided in that email.

  4. Open the Canvas survey (the one named iP Peer Evaluation 1) that you will be using to submit your evaluation and take note of the things you need to evaluate.

  5. Run the jar file in the following manner:

    • Put the jar file in an empty folder, to prevent data files created by other jar files you tested earlier from interfering with the current jar file.
    • Open a terminal, and navigate to the folder you put the JAR file in.
    • Run the java -version command to confirm you are using Java 17.
    • Run the jar file using the java -jar {file_name} command (rather than double-clicking) in the same terminal.
  6. Do a light testing of the app (not more than 10 minutes) to ensure the claimed features actually exist.

  7. Do a quick examination of the code (~ 5 minutes) by following the provided link.

  8. Submit your evaluation using the survey.

  9. Repeat the above steps for the 2nd iP allocated to you (use the survey iP Peer Evaluation 2).
    If both iPs crash or fail severely in a similar fashion, the problem may be on your side. Please contact the teaching team to ask how to proceed.

  10. Take note of the effort required for a typical iP: After seeing two more iPs, you should now be in a better position to estimate how much you need to do for the tP (reason: the expected implementation effort for the tP is estimated with reference to the implementation effort required for a typical iP).

tP: mid-v1.0

Intro to tP Week 8

Things to note:

COMMON MISTAKE: Not following the convention for Git commit message subject.
Caution: This is very hard to rectify later, after PR containing the commits have been merged. Reason: While Git allows editing past commits, it changes their timestamp, which affects your weekly code contribution stats (which are factored into evaluating the consistency of your coding work over the project duration).

COMMON MISTAKE: Not following the required phrasing style for the first sentence of Java method header comments.

COMMON MISTAKE: Forgetting to do each PR from a separate branch (i.e., send PR from the master branch) of your fork. This error means your PR will not be considered as following the forking workflow correctly.

1 Start implementing v1.0

You may code from any of the below to be used in your tP, provided you give credit to the source (and do not claim such code as yours).

  • The iP code of any of your team members, or of any other person in the course.
  • Code from AddressBook-Level2 or any code used in course activities e.g., personbook
  • Start implementing v1.0, by adding code in small steps, while working in parallel, aiming to produce a VERY simple working version after one week, and a bit more functional version at the end of iteration (i.e., after two weeks).

  • See the panel below the project workflow we prescribe for the tP.

2 Add some JUnit Tests