This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.
Week 4 [Mon, Sep 2nd] - Tutorial
1Discuss tP progress
Show your collaborative project doc to others.
Share the project direction, user profile, value proposition you have decided upon.
Give feedback to the other team. Some examples:
Suppose you belong to the proposed target user group; do you find the value proposition attractive?
Do you foresee any potential violation of the project constraints?
2Review Peer iP PRs
The quality of the work you will do in this tutorial task will be considered for your iP grade.
This activity is worth 4 participation points
Do the following iP task but note the following:
After adding the first review comment, take a screenshot of the comment and paste in the shared workspace document. This will help the tutor confirm that you are on the right track.