Week 3 [Mon, Aug 26th] - Tutorial

As this is the first tutorial, given below are general details about our tutorials, in case you did not read that page before:

Admin Tutorials

0 [CS2113 students only] Form teams

  • Form teams, under the guidance of the tutor. See the panel below for team forming constrains and other related info.

Admin Teams → Team Forming Constraints

1 Introduce yourselves

  • Introduce yourself to the tutor and the members of your team and the partner team (i.e., the other team under your tutor)

2 Find coding standard violations

  • Do the following exercise, if you have time.

Find basic coding standard violations

3 Decide a weekly project meeting time

  • If you haven't done so already, do the following tP task.

4 Help team members troubleshoot iP problems

  • If there is time, do the following tP task (if there isn't enough time, you can do this later during the week).